La multi ani, Joey Wang!

La multi ani, Joey Wang!

Data nasterii: 31 Iulie 1967
Actrita Joey Wang, pe numele sau real Joey Wong Cho-Yee, s-a nascut pe 31 iulie 1967 in Taipei. Wang s-a inscris sa urmeze cursurile de teatru ale “Guoguang Arts School” (astazi “National Taiwan College of Performing Arts”)
Incurajata de tatal sau care era baschetbalist, Joey s-a pregatit pentru a devenit jucator profesionist de baschet pe cand avea doar 14 ani.
Dupa ce a jucat intr-o reclama la bascheti, Wang a atras atentia unui producator de film care a inclus-o in distributia filmului “It'll Be Very Cold by the Lakeside This Year”. Vazandu-i prestatia din respectiva pelicula, producatorul Mona Fong  de la Shaw Brothers a invitat-o pe Wong la Hong Kong pentru a juca in “Let's Make Laugh II”. In 1987, ea a intruchipat o stafie in “A Chinese Ghost Story”, rol care a transformat-o intr-un idol in Japan si Coreea de Sud.
In 1989, Wang a plecat in Japonia pentru a filma pentru “A Woman From Hong Kong”. Trei ani mai tarziu ea a debutat in muzica cu albumul "Hold You In My Arms Forever". Anul urmator, Joey a jucat si in In 1993 pelicula “Green Snake”.
Din 1994 pana in 1997 a luat o pauza, revenind in filmul japonez “Peking Genjin” si lansand single-ul "Who Are You?".

In 2004, ea a aparut in “Beautiful Shanghai”, semnand in timp mai multe contracte destul de avantajoase pentru cariera sa. Cu toatea acestea, sinuciderea prietenului sau Leslie Cheung a determinat-o sa renunte din nou sa mai apara in lumina reflectoarelor.
In prezent, aceasta locuieste in Vancouver, Canada si studiaza limba engleza. Joey a avut o relatie de 16 ani (1985-2002) cu Chyi Chin, un cantaret din Taiwan, insa momentan intre ei a ramas doar o relatie de prietenie.

Beautiful Shanghai Girl a.k.a. Shanghai Story (2004)
Peony Pavilion (2001)
Peking Man a.k.a. Peking Genjin (1997)
The Wonderful Portrait (1997)
The Beheaded 1000 (1994)
Green Snake (1993)
Chez N'Ham (1993)
Painted Skin (1993)
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard (1993)
Dong Cheng Xi Jiu a.k.a. Eagle Shooting Heroes a.k.a. 13 Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993)
The East is Red (1993)
City Hunter (1993)
Butterfly and Sword a.k.a. Comet, Butterfly and Sword (1993)
The Beheaded 1000 (1993)
An Eye for an Eye (1993)
The Prince of Temple Street (1992)
Casino Tycoon II (1992)
Casino Tycoon (1992)
Ming Ghost - alternate Hong Kong Cat III version of Little Woman (1992)
Little Woman a.k.a. Ah Ying (1992)
The Banquet (1991)
Fox Legend a.k.a. Foxy Lady (1991)
Hong Kong Godfather (1991)
A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991)
A Chinese Legend (1991)
Fantasy Romance (1991)
Lake Sprite (1991)
An Eternal Combat (1991)
Red and Black (1991)
The Cyprus Tigers (1991)
The Big Score (1990)
Demoness from Thousand Years (1990)
Kung Fu Vs. Acrobatic (1990)
A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990)
Point of Return (1990)
A Tale from the East (1990)
Family Honor a.k.a. Nameless Family (1990)
Killer's Romance (1990)
Spy Games (1990)
An Eye for an Eye (1990)
God of Gamblers (1989)
Gift from Heaven (1989)
Web of Deception a.k.a. Deception (1989)
The Reincarnation of Golden Lotus (1989)
Missing Man (1989)
Little Cop (1989)
My Heart is that Eternal Rose (1989)
Mr. Coconut (1989)
The Dream is Yours (1988)
Law or Justice (1988)
The Big Heat (1988)
The Diary of a Big Man (1988)
Fractured Follies (1988)
Carry on Hotel (1988)
Picture of a Nymph (1988)
To Err is Humane (1987)
Private Life a.k.a. Miss Hong Kong a.k.a. (incorrectly) Private Lift (1987)
A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)
The Legend of Wisely a.k.a. Legend Of Wu, Legend of the Golden Pearl (1987)
Walking Beside Me (1986)
A Hearty Response (1986)
The Ghost Snatchers (1986)
100 Ways to Murder Your Wife (1986)
Last Song in Paris (1986)
Where's Officer Tuba? (1986)
Working Class (1985)
Let's Make Laugh II (1985)

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